Preferences is Epic!!

cv2 (opencv-python) A library for computer vision tasks.
ffmpeg A cross-platform library to record, convert, stream…audio/video.
gdown A simple tool to download files from Google Drive.
matplotlib A plotting library for creating data visualizations in Python.
PIL (pillow) An imaging library, allowing for image editing capabilities.
pipwin PIP complement for installing certain Windows-specific Python packages.
psutil A cross-platform library for retrieving information on running processes.
pyaudio Enables audio recording and playback in Python scripts.
pyautogui A library for GUI automation, simulating user interaction.
pydub A simple and easy-to-use interface for manipulating audio files.
pyperclip Allows for cross-platform clipboard text handling.
pywin32 & pypiwin32 Provides access to many Windows APIs within Python.
pywinctl A library for managing windows.
skimage (scikit_image) Offers a collection of algorithms for image processing.
sklearn (scikit_learn) A library for machine learning and statistical modeling.
speech_recognition For the recognition and processing of speech by Google.
torch A machine learning library and a scientific computing framework.
tqdm A fast, extensible progress bar for loops and CLI.
openai Provides easy access to the OpenAI API for artificial intelligence models.
tiktoken Provides token management in the OpenAI library.
selenium For web testing, web scraping, or automating web actions.
cryptography A package designed to expose cryptographic recipes and primitives.
keyboard Allows for monitoring and controlling the keyboard in Python.
scipy A library for scientific and technical computing in Python.
transformers A library for natural language processing tasks.
plotly A graphing library for interactive, web-based visualizations.
polars A stand-in for pandas, providing similar data manipulation capabilities.
instructor Provides an interface for instructional content.
tzdata A library for time zone data.
dateutil Extensions to the standard Python datetime module.
pytz World Timezone Definitions for Python.
fitz (pymupdf) A lightweight PDF viewer and toolkit.
pydantic Data validation/settings management using Python type annotations.
vulture A tool for finding unused code.
icecream A library for sweet and simple debugging.
halo A beautiful terminal spinner library.
aiohttp Asynchronous HTTP client/server framework.
lxml Powerful and easy-to-use library for XML and HTML processing.
pynput Allows you to control and monitor input devices.
scipy A library for scientific and technical computing in Python.
transformers A library for natural language processing tasks.
plotly A graphing library for interactive, web-based visualizations.
polars A stand-in for pandas, providing similar data manipulation capabilities.
pygments[windows-terminal] A syntax highlighting tool for code.
whoosh A fast and feature-rich full-text indexing and searching library.
langchain A framework for building applications with LLMs.
flask A lightweight WSGI web application framework.
github Provides access to the GitHub API from Python scripts.
pygit2 Python bindings for libgit2, providing Git operations in Python.
pydrive A wrapper for Google Drive’s API, allowing file manipulation.
sympy A Python library for symbolic mathematics.
importlib_metadata Provides access to installed package metadata in Python.
astor Enables modifying Python source code through AST manipulation.
googlesearch A Python wrapper for the Google Search API.
moviepy A Python library for video editing.
pytube A Python library for downloading YouTube videos.
wget A utility for downloading files from the web.
trimesh A library for loading, processing, and analyzing 3D meshes.
imageio A Python library for reading and writing image data.
py7zr A Python package for handling 7z archives.
sounddevice Provides audio playback and recording functions.
tensorflow An open-source machine learning library.

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